He continued his path of lying and self-centered actions eventually alienating myself. Britt was devastated and he was un-phased.

In their break-up in one last show of bravado he revealed to her how many times he had cheated on her. It all came to a head when in the span of one week he quit our company and went to our competitor for a pay raise and cheated on Britt but was caught.

As he gained praise his ego inflated even greater. Shaun was always a freakish athlete and he took up a new interest and thrived in it.

As he recovered though he was a different man. In the wake of this he proposed to Britt. Without giving too much detail he had what I would call a "Mid-Mid Life Crisis" and made some selfish decisions that led to a catastrophic event. I never told Britt but Shaun had cheated on her multiple times along the way. When Shaun played his mind games with Britt she enjoyed feeling the connection we had. As my current girlfriend and I struggled and began our ultimate descent I enjoyed the affirmation of the young and hot Britt. Our friendship was symbiotic and therapeutic. I always could tell that in Britt's eyes she wanted me, but never went to that well out of respect. We flirted by text in limited capacity, never letting it go to far. I became close with Britt as our personalities meshed. She's the kind of girl that when you first see her you would call her cute… but when you actually got to know her suddenly she became irresistible. She was average height, skinny, average chest, shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, and had a unique face. She was a only 21 when he met her, he was 26, and it was the classic case of a good girl falling for the wrong guy. Shaun bounced from girl to abby winters wiki girl before meeting Britt. We shared lots of common interests and took lots of weekend road trips together as well as tailgating or football games.Īfter a year of being single in the new city I met a girl and began what would be a 3 year relationship. We had known each other from before and he had taken a position with my my current company when I had initially turned it down. So the main back story you need to know is when I made a career change and moved off Shaun was probably my best friend.